Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine

A Nutrition Awareness Health Camp

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Ministry of Women and Child development,Govt of India is organizing National Nutrition Month 2022.

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  A nutrition awareness health camp was conducted at Kalawati Inter College, Multan Nagar Meerut. Dr. Pawan Parashar, Professor, Community Medicine, Subharti Medical College, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut told that National nutrition month 2022 is organizing from 1st September to 30th September 2022 with the aim of reducing the rate of malnutrition and anaemia and improving health of children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactati

g women . He suggested that we should encourage the fresh fruits, seasonal vegetables, milk and dairy products.
Shahid Bhagat Singh Urban health and training centre, Multan Nagar MOIC Dr. Varsha Chaudhary told that National nutrition month is design to bring attention and public awareness to the importance of making informed fresh domestic food choices and developing healthy food habits.
Medical interns Varishtha Gupta, Vidisha Jain,  MSW Mr. Virendra Kumar, Mr. Mashrul Ahmad,  Ms. Kusum and Ms. Shalu were also present at the occasion.

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