Outstanding achievements of faculties of University:
Professor Emeritus (Dr.) N. K. Ahuja:
• Commendation Card by Army Chief – 1986
• Life Time Achievement Award By International Forum of Defense Services (Dental), presented by Chairman, Maj. Gen. Yimin Zhao on 09 Sept. 2014.
• Outstanding Professor for the year 2015, Indian Orthodontics Society.
Dr. B. S. Rathore. –VSM, AVSM
Dr. S. K. Virmani.,VSM, Commendation Card by Army Commander, Eastern Command
Dr. B. P. Khattak. VSM
Dr. A. K. Srivastava: Fellow Indian Congress Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and Fellow Indian Congress Of Forensic Medicine
Dr. Nikhil Srivastava: Fellowship in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons (Glasgow)
Dr. Vijay Bhatnagar:. –Who’s Who in the World (The Marquis) 23rd Edition 2006
Ex. Cap. (Mrs.) Geeta Parwanda: Award for Extraordinary Contribution to the field of Nursing from IIMHAIIMS – 2014 and “Star of Asia Award” by Global Achiever Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal – 2014
Prof. Pintu Mishra: Best Creative artist award, Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy Kala Bhushan Award, Maharastra
Dr. Bhawna Grover:Yash Kala Samaan, Yashika Education Society.
Dr. Alok Tripathi: Kary Mullis Research Award by Photon Journal of Anatomy in 2015
Joseph Lister Research Award by Photon Journal of Anatomy to Dr. Satyam Khare, Dr. Shilpi Jain and Dr. Priti Sinha
Dr. K. P. S. Malik: Lifetime Achievement Award, Delhi Ophthalmic Society, 2015
Dr. Supriya Agarwal: Young Fellowship Award World Psychiatric Association at Regional Congress Kochi, India, in the year 2015
Dr. Prashant K. Gupta: Elected President of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association, UP State Chapter – 2015
Dr. Shashank Mishra, FCLS, AMASI, IAGES in the year 2015
Dr. Vineeta Nikhil: Fellow of International college of Dentist, International College of Dentist – 2015
Dr. Shalya Raj: Excellence in the field of Medical Science, Meerut, Health Icon by The Times Group 2016
Dr. Rohit Arora: The Outstanding Peace Activist Award by IBEI-YSSSRF 2016Dr. R.K. Meena, Best Academician Award, International Conference of Physical Therapy, AIIMS, New Delhi – 2015.Dr. Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya: Award of best book on law subject in Hindi – Ministry of Law & Justice Government of India , New Delhi -2015. Outstanding Peace Activist Award, YSSSRF 2016.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Tripathi: International Creative Mind Award , YSSSRF 2016