Faculty of Law

Online Quiz -World Consumer Rights Day

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Online Quiz (World Consumer Rights Day)

World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on March 15 annually as a means of raising  global awareness. To spread awareness about consumer importance, their rights, and responsibilities  Subharti Law College and Subharti College of Management and Commerce celebrated the World  Consumer Rights Day and under the guidance of Former Justice Sh. Rajesh Chandra, Director and the  supervision of Prof. (Dr.) Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya, Dean & Principal Subharti Law College and Prof. (Dr.)  R.K. Ghai, Dean, Subharti College of Management and Commerce, Prof.(Dr.)Reena Bishnoi of Subharti  Law College organized the online Quiz to promote the importance of Consumer rights and  responsibilities Through online Quiz she informed that the objective of the day is to protect consumers  against different types of exploitation such as defective goods, unsatisfactory services, and unfair trade  practices. On this day, the governments around the globe spread awareness about consumers’ rights and  needs. In 1962, President John F Kennedy sent a significant message to the US Congress on March 15th,  formally addressing the issue of consumer rights, and becoming the first global leader to do so. This  inspired the establishment of World Consumer Rights Day, which was first observed by the consumer  movement in 1983. The theme of World Consumer Rights Day 2023 is “Empowering consumers  through clean energy transitions”. This year’s theme for World Consumer Rights Day aims to  empower consumers to choose low-carbon or less harmful energy sources, or any other services that  cause less harm to our climate, thereby enabling us to shift from dirty energy to clean energy transitions.  In our day to day lives, we use many energy services that are powered by harmful energy sources which  are unsuitable for our climate, such as coal-powered electricity, air travel, and private vehicles. These  emit high amounts of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. People can catalyze significant changes by  adopting low-carbon alternatives, such as choosing trains over flights or public transport over private  vehicles, as well as upgrading existing systems, such as installing heat pumps or buying electric cars.  Teaching, Non-Teaching, students and others actively participated in the quiz.

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