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MOU with Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan

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The delegation of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan, led by the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Ambassador of Uzbekistan, Mr. Dilshod Akhtov, was presented a guard of honor by the NCC cadets of the University in the Vice Chancellor’s Office premises on their arrival at Subharti University, Meerut. The Hon’ble Ambassador of Uzbekistan Mr. Dilshod Akhtov congratulates everyone on the MoU between Namangan Engineering Construction Institute of Uzbekistan and Swami Vivekanand Subharti University.

He said that this MoU will bring sweetness to the relations between India and Uzbekistan and will be helpful in Education, Engineering, Construction, Research, and Cultural Exchange. He said that today the world is developing as one family and India is an ancient country and a country with famous cultural history. The Ambassador added that the campus of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University is a confluence of entire Indian culture and the way the university is working to promote Indian culture, shows its devotion to its nation. He said that through the MoU, the knowledge of students and teachers of both countries will be especially enhanced, due to which India and Uzbekistan will move in the direction of development. 

The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Maj Gen (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal, SM (Retd.) spoke of the detailed works that will be done in the direction of engineering and construction under the MoU. Under this, the work of research, innovation, cultural exchange, and student and teacher exchange will be done prominently by the institutions of both countries. He said that Subharti University is increasing the knowledge of its students through the mantra of education, service, culture, and nationalism so that they can become efficient and work in the interest of the country with their own ability. He congratulated all the members of the delegation including the Honourable Ambassador of Uzbekistan Mr. Dilshod Akhtov.
The Chief Executive Officer of the university – Prof. (Dr.) Shalya Raj extended best wishes to the Hon’ble Ambassador Mr. Dilshod Akhtov and the delegation of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan on the signing of the MoU. She said that Swami Vivekanand Subharti University would work with Uzbekistan with a commitment to promoting education. She said that the field of engineering is vast and Subharti University is working in all forms of education including Artificial Intelligence. She added that through the MoU, the students of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University would know the technology being used in Uzbekistan and the education system there which will benefit students and teachers of both the countries.
ISGR Director Rajendra Kumar Sharma thanked the Honourable Ambassador of Uzbekistan Mr. Dilshod Akhtov and all the officials of the delegation. On behalf of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute Uzbekistan,  Koraev Payzulloxon Yusufxonovich – Vice-Rector for Finance, Inoyatov Qahramon Muydinovich – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Soliyev Rustam Hakimjonovich – Dean of “The energy and Labor protection” along with faculty members Jamalov Baxriddinxuja Ismoilovich – Head of Education Quality Control Department and Ergashev Islomjon Ilhomjon ugli – Head of International Relations Office were present for the ceremony. 

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