Campus News Faculty of Nursing

Breast Feeding Week

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Organizing group: Department of Child Health Nursing and OBG Nursing
Day: 1
Date: 02/08/2019
Beneficiary Group: Nursing Mothers, Antenatal Mothers and general public
Venue: OBG OPD
Programme: The Breast feeding week celebration programme was inaugurated by the chief guest Dr. J.P. Singh, Medical Superintendent, CSSH. After the floral welcoming of the guest, the theme was unfolded by the chief guest. The invited guests Dr. J.P Singh, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Archana Dubey, HOD Paediatrics, Dr. Mamta Tyagi, HOD OBG Department and Mrs. Sanju Solanki, Nursing Superintendent were delivered their valuable speech regarding the importance of breast feeding. Videos were played regarding the benefits of exclusive breast feeding and the dietary pattern followed by Nursing mothers also included. Around 30 participants were present on that day and benefited by the programme. M.Sc Nursing Paediatric students participated the entire programme actively.

Day: 2
Date: 03/08/2019
Beneficiary group: Antenatal and Postnatal mothers
Venue: Antenatal ward, Postnatal ward and Labour ward
Programme: The programme started at 9 a.m and the ANM Internship students actively delivered the care to antenatal and postnatal mothers. The breast care was given to the antenatal mothers in the antenatal ward and post natal mothers in the postnatal ward. There were 20 mothers gained benefits by the care. The demonstration of KMC (Kangaroo Mother Care) also given to the mothers in the Labour ward. The knowledge also assessed at the end of the session using questionnaire.

Day: 3
Date: 05/08/2019
Beneficiary group: Parents and general public
Venue: Teaching room in Paediatric ward
Programme: The exhibition on various topics related to breastfeeding was well organized in the teaching room in Paediatric ward. The session started at 10 am and the programme end up at 12n. B.Sc Nursing III year and MSc Nursing students had given excellent explanation about each topic and cleared the doubts asked by the audience. The topics of the exhibition includes 1. Management of breast milk jaundice, 2.

Assessment of breast sufficiency, 3. Dehydration and breast feeding, 4. Lactogenesis, 5. Excess milk supply, 6. Plugged ducts, 7. Breastfeeding problems, 8. Assessment of newborn oral cavity, 9. Assessment of breast, 10. Physiology of lactation, 11. Exclusive breastfeeding, 12. Benefits of exclusive breast feeding, 13. Techniques of breast feeding, 14.

Expressed breast feeding, 15. Signs of adequate breast feeding.

Day: 4
Date: 06/08/2019
Beneficiary group: Breast feeding mothers, family and relatives
Venue: OBG ward
Programme: Health education given to the breast feeding mothers using PPT by the MSc Nursing OBG students. Breast feeding mothers, family and relatives gained knowledge about breast feeding techniques.

Date: 07/08/2019
Beneficiary group: Mothers from Multan Nagar
Venue: Multan Nagar PHC
Programme: The programme started around 11 am with the cooperation of Medical Officer   Dr. Surender Kaur. The health education charts were displayed by MSc Nursing students and gathered around 15 mothers with their babies within a short duration of time. B.Sc Nursing III year students played a Puppets show at Subharthi Health centre, Multan Nagar.

All the mothers were benefited by the programme. The phamphlets also distributed at the end of the session.

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