Campus News Faculty of Nursing

International Virtual Conference

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Theme: “Amelioration In Nursing Education, Research And Clinical Practice– Focussing On E-Health In Digital Native Era”.

  • To develop learning management systems with hypermedia resourcesto improve the learning behaviour of both students and teachers.
  • To provide the opportunity in improving the clinical reasoning skills in students and health professionalsthrough exposure to a largenumber of clinical scenarios.
  • To enhance the knowledge regarding digital technology in transforming health care and the practice ofnursing.
  • To upgrade the knowledge on Digitalization and Nursing Research.


  • Senior Student Nurses
  • Registered Nursing Professionals&
  • Allied HealthProfessionals.

The International Virtual Conference commenced with formal registration (online mode). Inaugural ceremony initiated by welcoming all the respected Guests and the delegates. Program was started at 12pm by welcome address delivered by Respected Principal Madam Ex. Capt. Dr. (Prof) Geeta Parwanda, Organizing Chairperson, Faculty of Nursing, SVSU.
There was ample number of registrations from across the nation and few internationally. The links were created by the Marketing and Communication department of the university and was shared to all the participants via emails priorly, The pre-test, post-test and feedback forms were also sent through google forms. There were total 11 scientific paper presentations and almost 25 posters presented in the conference.

REPORT OF DAY 1: 28/01/2021
The day 1 was commenced at 12 noon with a warm welcome of all the participants by the host Assoc. Prof. Anandh. Sam. Perera. S, Dept. of Medical-Surgical Nursing from SNC followed by the Inaugural Session by lighting the lamp by our respected dignitaries Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr.V.P.Singh, Swami VivekanandSubharti University, Dr.Shalya Raj, CEO of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Ex. Capt. Prof. Dr. Geeta Parwanda, Principal, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, Organizing Chairperson of this conference and Prof. Hepsi Natha, HOD. Dept. of MSN, Organizing Co- Chairperson.
The conference proceeding was released and the Audio-Visual Aids exhibition was inaugurated by our respected dignitaries A welcome speech was delivered by the Principal and organizing chairperson of this conference Ex. Capt. Prof. Dr. Geeta Parwanda by welcoming all the speakers and the delegates for this International Virtual Conference. This was followed by the notes of blessings sent by our Founder of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Prof. Dr. Mukti Bhatnagar, Prof. Dr. V.P. Singh, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SVSU, CEO of this University Dr. Shalya Raj and Dr. Krishna Murthy, Asst. Medical Superintendent of Chhatrapati Shivaji Subharti Hospital and this was delivered by Assoc. Prof. Shaheen Akhtar Khan, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, SNC.
In continuation, a video was displayed in remembrance of Panna Dhai Maa as 30th  January every year will be celebrated as Subharti Nursing College Annual Day.
Plenary Session-I:
The first plenary session was started at 12:30 pm on the topic- Impact of Transition to Blended Mode in Nursing Education by our guest speaker Ex. Lt. Susan Edamala Clinical Nurse Consultant for clinical Documentation, University of Illinoiss, Chicago, USA Adjunct Professor, Rasmussen College of Nursing, IL. The session was so informative and she discussed about blended learning methodology, various conditions under which the sudden thrust of nursing education globally that went into the blended mode, how to comprehend the effect of blended learning on student learning and performance and future of blended teaching methodology in nursing curriculum and many questions were posed by the delegates through the live chat and all their questions had been answered and the session ended at 1:50pm.
The next session was headed by the speaker Ms.Thankam Gomez, Founder & CEO, Cygnia HealthCare, Haryana on the topic “Amelioration in nursing education, research and clinical practice at 2:00 pm where she discussed how 2020 flipped the nursing education. She also explained about the 3 terms acceleration, change and paralysis which talks about any changes that happens in the world and the session ended at 2:30pm.
At 2: 40pm the Audio-Visual Aids were projected virtually by taking all the delegates into the world from basic AV aids to the Augmented Reality. These efforts were taken and prepared by the first year PG students of Subharti Nursing College that excels their creativity and imagination in projecting their skills and the AV aids were well explained by the students.
The last session was scientific Paper Presentation which was started at 3pm, evaluated and critiqued by the external panel Ms.Rajalakshmi, Simulation Training Officer,Jhpiego, National Reference Simulation Centre, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana and the internal panel Prof. Hepsi Natha, HOD. Dept.of MSN, SNC, SVSU. The presenters had been given the lotting numbers. Three papers were presented by the presenters. The first presenter was Mr.Jashphar on the topic “Effectiveness of music therapy on pre procedural anxiety of clients undergoing angioplasty”. The next presentation was on “effectiveness of new protocol on endotracheal tube suctioning among ICU nurses” by Ms.VaishaliTembhare and the last paper was presented by Mr.Suraj Kumar, M.Sc (N), Asst. Lecturer, SNC on the topic “Impact of Communication Board on level of satisfaction among ventilator patients. The first day of International Virtual Conference was ended at 3:30pm.


REPORT OF DAY 2: 29/01/2021
The delegates have joined the conference either through youtube or facebook link which was sent to the individual participants email id’s priorly and separate link was shared to the paper presenters for scientific session.
Plenary Session-II:
The 2nd plenary session was commenced with a warm welcome and was started at 12noon by Dr. M. Kamala Devi, Ph.D – RN, Asso. Professor Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore on the topic- “Clinical Nursing Leadership through the Digital Practice Realm”. She focussed the impact of digital infrastructure on clinical nursing education and leadership. Mam has shared the perspectives of Singapore and she explained about the beginning of the care transformation at Singapore hospitals, and it ended at 12:30pm.
The next session was on Digitalization and Nursing Research taken by the speaker Dr. Nageshwar Venkatesh Reddy, Asst. Professor, Nursing Dept, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Baha University- Al Aqiq Al Baha Province, Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He spoke about various technological advancements, digital technology in nursing, its availability, digital libraries, digital products, involving study subjects, data collection and communication of findings. He also taught about the challenges, perception, knowledge and expertise, institutional support, various validity and regulatory barriers. The session provides the knowledge deliberation to all the delegates and all their doubts were clarified at the end of the session and ended at 1:30 pm.


Plenary Session-III:
This was followed by the session taken by Ex. Capt. Prof. Dr. Geeta Parwanda, Principal, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, SVSU on “Amelioration in nursing education, clinical practice and nursing research with digitalization”. Mam has narrated the view why the theme has been chosen for this conference. She focussed by briefing on nursing education and digital era, teaching tool with technology, clinical practice and digital era, nursing research and digital era. The session ended at 2:15pm 
After the session, the delegates were given a break of 10 min and the Audio-Visual aids video was displayed on request of the participants.
The last speaker of the 2nd day International Virtual Conference was Ms. Amy Hussey, RN (University College Hospital Galway, Ireland), B.Sc General Nursing (National University of Ireland, Galway) on the topic “Digital Collaborative Interventions in Nursing”. Discussed on the concepts of collaborative learning and digital collaborative learning, socio-constructivist theory, learnt about the role of digital collaborative learning in nursing education and introduces the M- Learning.
The day was ended with the scientific presentation by Ms.Jyoti Kapoor from Jammu and Kahmir on the topic “Effect of infra-red light therapy on episiotomy wound healing among postnatal mothers” and the panel expert for evaluation was Dr.Nageshwar Venkatesh Reddy, Asst. Professor, Nursing Dept, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Baha University- Al Aqiq Al Baha Province, Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The session was ended at 3:30pm.

REPORT OF DAY 3: 30/02/2021
Plenary Session-IV:
The final day of the International Virtual conference was started at 12 noon with welcome address by Ex. Capt. Dr (Prof) Geeta Parwanda, Principal of SNC and organizing Chair-Person of this conference. This plenary session was started with panel discussion.
The panelits were from across the globe. The panelists  –
The topic was on “Blended Mode of Teaching”. There were four panelists which were introduced by the moderator Ms. Aparna Shukla, MSN, Ballivor CO Meath, Ireland and their topics are as follows

  • Dr. Nageshwar Venkatesh Reddy, Asst. Professor, Nursing Dept, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Baha University- Al Aqiq Al Baha Province, Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: “Digital Problem Based Learning”.
  • Mr. Suraj. K. Sebastian, E-Learning Manager, & IT Lecturer, Gulf Medical University: Digitalization and E-Learning”.
  • Ms. Rajalakshmi, Simulation Training Officer, Jhpiego, National Reference Simulation Centre, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana: “Tele-Simulation”.
  • Mr. Anandh Sam Perera. S, Assoc. Professor, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, SVSU, Meerut, UP: “E-Learning  in Clinical Teaching”.

All the panelists also addressed the questions of the participants. The panel discussion was successfully moderated and concluded by Ms. Aparna Shukla and it was ended at 1:15pm.
The final session of this conference was on “Virtual Simulation in Clinical Setting” which was taken by the guest speaker Ms. Rajalakshmi, Simulation Training Officer, Jhpiego, National Reference Simulation Centre, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana. The session was so interactive and discussed about how covid-19 significantly impacted nursing education, why simulation is important, V-Sim for nursing modules, structure of simulation, techniques and technology. The session was ended by clarifying the doubts of the participants.
The last day plenary session was ended with 8 paper presentations and 9 posters which were selected out of 25 posters and was evaluated by the guest speakers of this International Virtual Conference. The scientific paper  presentations were evaluated by Dr. Nageshwar Venkatesh Reddy, Asst. Professor, Nursing Dept, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Baha University- Al Aqiq Al Baha Province, Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the conference was ended at 4:00pm.

The final report of International Virtual Conference was presented by Prof. Hepsi Natha, Organizing Co-Chairperson, International Virtual Conference, HOD, Dept of Medical –Surgical Nursing by briefing out all the activities and the plenary sessions of all the days.
The Conference was ended by vote of thanks by Mr. Anandh Sam Perera. S, Assoc. Professor Y Organizing Secretary, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, SVSU, Meerut, UP at 4:00pm.
The delegates were from across the world like Dubai and from different states of India like Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand.
The Master of Ceremony for this conference was Assoc. Prof Mr. Anandh Sam Perera.S, Dept of MSN, Faculty of Nursing, SVSU, Meerut.
Postgraduate students have put an effort for making the International Virtual Conference a reality and successful. The conference has fulfilled the objectives of the theme as today’s education is completely in the form of blended mode. It has much importance in their academic and for their further knowledge and experience and collaborations between institutions and disciplines. 

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