Outreach Activity on Community Engagement and Social Responsibility Press Release Swami Vivekanand Subharti University's Keral Varma Subharti College of Science organized an outreach activity on community engagement and social responsibility under the 'Unnat Bharat Abhiyan’ of the Ministry of Education, Government of India on 08-05-2023 at village Aranawali, block Rohta, district Meerut. Dr. Renu Mavi,
Subharti Institute Of Technology And Engineering, SVSU, Meerut organized an outreach activity on “Importance of Electricity for Rural India
The summery report on extension activity held on 12/11/2021 By Mechanical Engineering Department In tune with the Subharti slogan Shiksha sewa and Sanshkar. An outreach activity on “ Application of solar energy” was conducted with due permission from competent authority on 12/11/2021 at 10:30 AM onwards by students of mechanical engineering department, subharti institute of
AWARENESS PROGRAM ON DIGITAL LITERACY UNDER OUTREACH ACTIVITY ORGANIZED BY COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SUBHARTI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING, SVSU, MEERUT AT VILLAGE-PATHAN PURA MEERUT The Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering College planned an outreach activity on 2-11-2021 and was conducted by the department of Computer Science and Engineering on the