Breastfeeding Awareness program at
UHTC Multan Nagar
A Breastfeeding Awareness program was organized by department of Community Medicine Subharti Medical College Meerut UP under the supervision of Prof and Head Dr Bhawana Pant on 6 Aug, 2024 at Shaheed Bhagat Singh Subharti Urban Health & Training (UHTC) Multan Nagar Meerut. On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week, Prof.Dr Varsha Chaudhary (M.O.I.C) delivered a talk on the importance of breastfeeding . She explained about the importance of colostrum, the correct position of the baby and benefits of breastfeeding to newborn and mothers. She cleared myths and social stigma related to breastfeeding. Dr Usha Minhas (L.M.O) and Dr Babita (A.L.M.O) told about the benefits of breastfeeding to newborn and mothers.They told all the important features of breastfeeding such as bleeding, uterus size & breast milk secretion. Questions about breastfeeding raised by the audience were clarified by the experts. During the session maximum pregnant and lactating mothers were participating in the program. Medical Interns Ms Ananya Sehgal & Ms Apurva and BNYS Interns Jyoti & Rafiya were also involved in event.This health talk was successfully carried out by field workers Mr. Virender , Ms Kusum , Ms Anju & Ms Poornima.