College of Hotel Management

“Orientation of Food & Beverage Service Skills”

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Staff Development Programme on “Orientation of Food & Beverage Service Skills held at Bhikaji Cama Subharti College of Hotel Management from 11th June – 22nd July 2022.
The First Impression is the Last Impression…. With this vision, Subharti Parivar initiated the idea to train the non-teaching staff of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University so that we can create a long-lasting impression on the guests.
30 hrs. Staff Development Programme on Orientation of Food & Beverage Service Skills was organized by Bhikaji Cama Subharti College of Hotel Management started on 11th June and ended on 22nd July 2022(Every Friday & Saturday).
The objective of this uniquely designed staff development programme was to improve the Food & Beverage service skills of non-teaching staff who are frequently engaged in serving Food & beverages to the guests coming to the University. This training proved a best of the best staff development programme which helped the non-teaching staff to improve their service skills. Trainers conducted theoretical as well as practical sessions every Friday & Saturday 1 PM – 4 PM explaining and demonstrating all the basic food & beverage service skills.
At the Closing ceremony, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Maj. Gen. (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal encouraged the participants to take initiative and come forward to participate in this kind of Staff Development Programme. He emphasized that this kind of programmes must be organised at regular intervals to enhance the skills of non-teaching non-teaching staff. He thanked Dr. Shiv Mohan Verma, HOI, BCSCHM and all the organizing team members for this kind of event.
Hon’ble CEO Dr. Shalya Raj thanked the trainers Mr. Saurabh Tripathi & Mr. Ankit Srivastava who dedicatedly gave their best to train the participants in a stipulated time period. She appreciated and thank all the participants who without any hesitation came forward and took responsibility to hone their service skills to build a first positive impression in front of guests.
Dr. Shiv Mohan Verma thanked all the distinguished guests who attended the closing ceremony. He also thanked all the team members who worked day and night to make this Staff development Programme a grand success.
A total of 26 non-teaching staff from different colleges and administrative offices of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University have participated in this programme.

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