The main objective of this one-day Guest Lecture on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” is to make the students familiarize how AI and ML applications are ruling the world. With an intent to tell the students about the scope of AI and ML in the current day Technological Advancements. The speaker, first, discussed the importance of the field which is booming in recent years. He also suggested the application areas in which AI and Machine learning is used. Other Discussion Points:
- What is AI?
- Difference between machine learning and deep learning.
- Deep learning and neural networks
- Reinforcement Learning
- Data Mining and Big data
- SMAC – Social Media Analytics and Cloud
The speaker also suggested some areas in which students can find problems for their final year projects. The session was very interactive where the students posted some queries and the guest speaker clarified their doubts. Outcomes: After completion of the Guest Lecture “ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ”, the students are expected to:
Understand Artificial Intelligence in a broader range
Understand how AI Applications are solving the current day problems
Analyze the real-world problems where AI could be applied.