Faculty of Law

Guest Lecture on “Role of Interpretation in Law”

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Guest Lecture on “Role of Interpretation in Law”

Organized by Faculty of Law

On 28/01/2023

Sardar Patel Subharti Institute of Law has organized Guest Lecture on “Role of Interpretation in Law” on 28th January 2023. Invited speaker for the said guest lecture was Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Jaswal, Professor and Registrar, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Firstly, Dr. Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya (Dean, Faculty of Law) welcomed the guest of the day and later Ms. Afreen Almas gave introduction and invited him for lecture. Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Jaswal firstly discussed the important terms like ‘Statute’, ‘Document’, ‘Instrument’ and ‘Interpretation’ .He explained by interpretation is meant the process by which the Courts seek to ascertain the meaning of the legislature through the medium of the authoritative forms in which it is expressed. He simply stated, ‘interpretation’ is the process by which the real meaning of an Act (or a document) and the intention of the legislature in enacting it (or of the parties executing the document) is ascertained.

Dr. Jaswal also highlighted importance of interpretation. He told that interpretation is a familiar process of considerable significance. In relation to statute law, interpretation is of importance because of the inherent nature of legislation as a source of law.

The process of statute making and the process of interpretation of statutes take place separately from each other, and two different agencies are concerned. An interpretation of Act serves as the bridge of understanding between the two Prof. Jaswal focused on the question -why do we need interpretation? He said that no doubt in modern times, the enacted laws are drafted by legal experts, yet they are expressed in language and no language is so perfect as to leave no ambiguities. Further, he also said that by its very nature, a statute is an edict of the legislature and many-a-time the intent of the legislature has to be gathered not only from the language but the surrounding circumstances that prevailed at the time when that particular law was enacted. If any provision of the statute is open to two interpretations, the Court has to choose that interpretation which represents the true intention of the legislature. He pointed out that also, it is not within human powers to foresee the manifold set of facts which may arise in the future and even if it were so it is not possible to provide for them in terms free from all ambiguity. All these aspects add to give great prominence to the subject of interpretation and construction in the practical administration of the law.

Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Reena Bishnoi. During the lecture Dr. Sarika Tyagi, Dr. Prem Chandra, Ms. Ana Sisodia, Mr. Vikas Tyagi, Ms. Shalini Goel and Mr. Mayank were present.

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