EVENT: ‘’National de-worming day.
DATE: 29/august/2019
VENUE: Bhoodbaral (CHC)
BENEFICIARIES: 1442 school children in total of 7 schools
NAVIATOR: Dr. Geeta Parwanda
On the occasion of National De-worming day, community department, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College has contributed its participation in National deworming day program in 7 different schools in collaboration with Bhoodbaral CHC and their staff.
To make people aware about worm infections, its bad effects on the health and cure and prevent further infection through deworming tablets. Worm infection can make children anemic, malnourished, weak, sick, and tired with poor concentration.
Under the guidance of Dr. Geeta Parwanda (Principal and dean) we had participated in National De-worming day program for school children who come under the CHC Bhoodbaral.
We provided Albendazole 400 mg tablet and asked them to chew in front of us and allowed them to drink water after that.
We also educated them regarding causes and harms due to worms and also its prevention.
We also educate them regarding the hand washing.
After finishing program we had provided refreshments to the participants and wind-up the program with vote of thanks.
On 29/8/19 we had finished National Deworming program for school Children I thanks to, our Principal ma’am, Community Health Nursing Department, for their kind support and such an enthusiastic motivation. After doing this program our knowledge is enhanced and we are confident to organize such kind of more programs for the welfare of community people. Students were appreciated by the CHC people for their effort and participation on the day.