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Guest Lecture On “Research Proposal: A Critical Analysis”

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About the Lecture 

Researches are critical in growing and sustaining a large and vibrant economy, uplifting the society and continuously inspiring a nation to achieve even greater heights. A robust ecosystem of research is more important than ever with the rapid changes occurring in the world today. Hence, researches at educational institutions in the nation particularly those engaged in higher education becomes crucial to find out the solution for present problems occurring in the society by the application of appropriate research approaches in the initial stage of investigation. 

The most significant and difficult task related to research is the initial step of preparing a research proposal. A present lecture will focus on a research proposal which is a document proposing a research project, generally in the sciences or academia and generally constitutes a request for sponsorship. It will be helpful to all researchers to provide a detailed description of the proposed plan or blueprint of research study which depicts the main aspects of the research in the form of a research design.


Date: 11 October 2021

Time: 02:10 PM onwards


Maj. Gen. (Dr.) G K Thapliyal

Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut

Prof. (Dr.) Shalya Raj

Hon’ble CEO, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut


Prof. Manoj Kumar Mishra

Department of Economics and Management, College of Business and Economics,
Salale University Fitche, Ethiopia

Organising Team

Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kumar

Dean-Faculty of Education,
SVSU, Meerut.

Prof. (Dr.) Anoj Raj

Head-Department of Education,
FOE, SVSU, Meerut

Dr. Mumtaz Sheikh

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, FOE, SVSU, Meerut.

IT Support

Marketing & Communication Team & IT Team, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut.

Guest Lecture On “Research Proposal: A Critical Analysis”

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