
Dr. Manoj Kapil

Swami Vivekananda Subharti University organized an extension activity on "Community Engagement and Social Responsibility" under 'Unnat Bharat Abhiyan' An extension activity on "Community Engagement and Social Responsibility" under the 'Unnat Bharat Abhiyan' of the Ministry of Education, Government of India was organized by the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Meerut
Session organized at Faculty of Engineering and Technology under Students disability and equal opportunity cell of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University By Dr. Sokindra Kumar , Ms. Priyanka Saini on 21st April 2023 Faculty of Engineering & Technology under University students disability and equal opportunity  Cell organized an interaction with disadvantaged group of students in Faculty

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Swami Vivekanand Subharti Vishwavidyalaya organized “Swachhta Week” from 17th May 2022

 The research committee of Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering organized an International Webinar on “Research Methodology and Manuscript Writing for Publications in the Field of Engineering and Science”, on 7th October 2021. The webinar started with the inaugural remark by Hon’ble VC of the University Dr. V.P Singh where he enlightened all about the
The Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering College organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “WEB DESIGNING AND DEVELOPMENT” on   25-09-21. Er. Amarjeet Mridul Kumar, Senior Software Developer, NITS Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon was the speaker for the event and he explained the process and key factors involved in the designing of a website
In the light of new Education policy and on the auspicious occasion of Vishwakarma Puja, Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering under the able guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kapil, Principal and Dean,SITE, organized a faculty development program on computer Aieded design and Computer Aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) by Er. Umesh Arora, Centre Head CAD/CAM Solution.
Two innovative products related to the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering were inaugurated at Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering dated the 11th December 2020. Dr. V.P Singh, Vice Chancellor of the University and Dr. Shalya Raj, CEO of the University inaugurated the innovative products in presence of various Heads of
Pulse October 2022 Pulse August 2022 Bhoomika Vasishth coming to Subharti University Pulse March 2022 Cyber Crime