Wellness Session on
“Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing”
Sardar Patel Subharti Law Institute, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Under the direction of Director of the Subharti Law College Mr. Rajesh Chandra (Former Justice, Prayagraj, High Court, Uttar Pradesh) and under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya, Dean, Subharti law college organized a Wellness Session on the topic “Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. Convener of the program Dr. Sarika Tyagi, requested Professor Dr. Reena Bishnoi to welcome the speaker of the program Dr. Rahul Bansal, Chairman wellness Center Swami Vivekananda Subharti Vishwavidyalaya, Meerut, further he was invited on the stage to address the Teachings and Non Teaching Staff of the college. He said that Ability to Cope with Stress in Life is called positive mental health. If you can maintain good mental health and well-being, you’ll lead a life with less stress by adopting and following the tips, you’ll be ready for any hard situation and though the situation is hard, you’ll overcome it with ease. Mental and psychological well-being encompasses the way you feel about yourself, but also the way you deal with external situations and the quality of your relationships. It’s important to remember that positive mental health is not simply the absence of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. Being mentally healthy is predominantly about the presence of positive characteristics such as a feeling of purpose, contentment, maintaining fulfilling relationships and participating in life to the fullest. After that he said that the law of karma holds that every action, physical or mental, has its own outcomes which must be faced either in this present life or in the lives to come. When we perform good deeds, it refers to good karma and future happiness and bad karma results when we do bad actions or deeds. Why is positive mental health important? Positive mental health allows you to enjoy all the activities you want to participate in. Foster positive mental health and adopt a more positive mental attitude and take care of your physical needs. Make time for social connection, Exercise, physical activity and positive mental health. Use positive words to boost your mental health. At the end of the program vote of thanks was given by Dr. Sartaj Ahmad, Associate Professor Subharti Law College