We are pleased to Inform You all that the Performing Arts Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, is organizing a Workshop on संगीत एंव नृत्यकला में रंगमंच प्रस्तुति के विविध आयाम- 5 by Eminent Artists of India on 4th November, 09:30 AM.
It is the constant effort of the Performing Arts Department to spread awareness and promote Indian Classical Dance and Music. Taking guidance from great artists benefits the world of music and the students, enhancing their knowledge.
About The Department
Established in 2013, The Department of Performing Arts is the part of Faculty of Fine Arts, SVSU. The Department uniquely amalgamates the traditional practice of Indian Music & Indian Classical Dance Kathak teaching i.e Guru Shishya Parampara, with modern educational methods. The department puts equal emphasis on the theory and the practice of Performing Arts. It is a unique Department of its kind in the entire North Region, which impart training in University level in performing arts, viz Indian music and classical and dance offering courses up to Ph.D. in these disciplines. The goal is to train students to develop their creative and intuitive abilities whereby attraining systemic understanding of the arts and science of Performing Arts and it’s aesthetics applications.
About University
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University as a value based education provider and research oriented University, is imparting equal opportunities for people from varied walks of life without the constraints of borders becoming barriers. The University has students from across the globe and supports individuals and communities through integrated programs of teaching, research and selfless service.
Our instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, professional, continuing, and extension education offered through both regular and distance learning modes. Our educational programs are enriched by the talent, knowledge, diversity, creativity in teaching and research acumen of our faculty, students and staff. Our academic excellence is rooted in a student-centered model of learning which adopts a flexible but rigorous approach to education that motivates students to be creative thinkers, intellectual risk-takers and entrepreneurial problem-solvers. Students enjoy the freedom to learn what they choose and the flexibility to discover what they desire. Subhartians leave SVSU prepared to thrive as independent and innovative leaders.
Subharti University (SVSU) was established under section 2(f) of the University Grant Commission (U.G.C.) Act, 1956, under Swami Vivekanand Subharti Vishwavidhaylaya, Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam, 2008 (U.P. Act No.29 of 2008) passed by Uttar Pradesh Legislature and assented by the honorable Governor of Uttar Pradesh in September 2008. The University is presently functioning under the auspices of Mahayana Theravada Buddhist Religious and Charitable Trust, Meerut, renowned for its exemplary service in the field of education, healthcare and social welfare.
As one of the prominent leaders in the field of education, the University is committed to academic and intellectual growth of individuals in particular and society at large with the eventual goal of nation building.
About SAM
(Society For Action Through Music)
Society For Action Through Music (SAM), A registered National organization established in 2004 by founder President Pt.Vijay Shanker Mishra, Eminent Writer, and Musicologist with blessings of eminent artists of India ie. Padma Vibhushan Pt.Birju Maharaj Ji, Padam Shree (Late) Pt. Bhajan Sopori Ji, Padam Bhooshan Vidushi Shanoo Khurana Ji, Padma Bhooshan Pt. Rajan Sajan Mishra Ji, Padma Bhooshan (Late) Pt Debu Chaudhary Ji, Padma Shree Vidushi Sumitra Guha Ji, Vidushi Savita Devi Ji. SAM organizes Stage programs & festivals for young talented artists in various cities of India throughout the year to give promotion to talented Artists of Performing Arts. SAM organizes One National seminar, Books, and Article Publication for the promotion of artists.
विषय- संगीत एंव नृत्यकला में रंगमंच प्रस्तुति के विविध आयाम
भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत व नृत्यकला की प्रारम्भ से ही सुसमृद्ध व विशाल परम्परा रही है। संगीत व नृत्यकला का मुख्य उद्देश्य परम्परा का निर्वाह करते हुए इसमें नित नये प्रयोग कर, जीवंतता बनाये रखना है। नये प्रयोगों द्वारा प्रत्येक विद्या का नित नया स्वरूप हमंे देखने को मिलता है। परम्परा का निर्वाह व रंगमंच प्रस्तुति द्वारा दर्शकों को आनंद निमग्न करना, प्रत्येक कलाकार को पूर्णता की ओर ले जाता है। उत्कृष्ट कलाकार वह है जो परम्परा को भंग भी न होने दे और साथ ही अपनी विशिष्ट प्रस्तुति को प्रभावशाली भी बना सके। विचारणीय प्रश्न यह है कि कोई भी कलाकार अपनी प्रस्तुति में ऐसे कौन से तत्व समाहित करे ताकि वह प्रस्तुति को अधिक प्रभावशाली बना सके। वर्तमान में अनेक विद्यालयों व विश्वविद्यालयों में संगीत व नृत्य पाठ्यक्रम के रूप में पढ़ाया जा रहा है परन्तु छात्र व नवोदित कलाकार संगीत (गायन, वादन व नृत्य) के मूल परिचय एवं प्रभावशाली प्रस्तुति के तत्वों से अनभिज्ञ है।
इस कार्यशाला का मुख्य उद्देश्य संगीत व नृत्य प्रस्तुति के साथ-साथ उक्त विषय का पूर्ण परिचय देना है ताकि हम संगीत व नृत्य के अनेक रूपो की जानकारी प्राप्त कर ज्ञानवर्द्धन कर सकें साथ ही कार्यशाला में उक्त कलाकार से प्रश्न कर विषय एवं प्रस्तुति के सन्दर्भ में अपनी जिज्ञासाओं को भी शान्त कर सकें।
Workshop Guidelines :
1. Workshop session will start from 9:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. (Lunch: 1:30 P.M.)
2. Registration Fee: Rs. 250
3. Registrations will be online through the given link.
4. Workshop will be conducted in both modes, offline at the venue and online on the page of Subharti University
5. Link will be shared to Registered Participants for online.
6. Certificate of Online Participation will be provided to all the Registered Participants and Dignitaries after submission of the Feedback Form by post.
7. Those who are joining the Workshop offline certificates will be given after the workshop on the stage.
For any queries contact on given Number:
Ms. Tanushree Kashyap (7015654162)
Mrs. Shweta Singh (7060052223)
Chief Patrons

Dr. Atul Krishna
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut

Prof. (Dr.) Shalya Raj
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut

Prof. (Dr.) G K Thapliyal
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut

Prof. (Dr.) Pintu Mishra
Faculty of Fine Arts, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut
Founder SAM

Pt. Vijay Shankar Mishra
Founder President SAM
Eminent writer and musicologist, New Delhi

Nabanita Chowdhary
Renowned Hindustani Classical Vocalist

Dr . Namrata Deb
Renowned Classical Vocalist
Asst. Professor, Jagat Taran Girls (PG.) College, Prayagraj

Raksha Singh David
Renowned Kathak Dancer Nrityam Kala Sangam, Noida

Rishi Raj Mishra
Young Dynamic Tabla Player

Ayushman Kumar
Young Dynamic Tabla Player

Prof.(Dr.) Bhawna Grover
Head, Performing Arts Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, SVSU, Meerut
Organising Team
Ms. Tanushree Kashyap
Assistant Professor
Mrs. Shweta Singh
Assistant Professor
Organized by
Performing Arts Department
Faculty of Fine Arts, SVSU, Meerut
Broadcasting Support
Marketing And Communication Team & IT SVSU, Meerut