World AIDS Day is observed on 1 December each year. On this day people around the worldunite to show support for people affected by HIV, commit for stopping new cases of HIV,securing the rights of people living with HIV, and fighting HIV stigma and discrimination. Theme for World AIDS Day , 2022 was “equalize”.
On this occasion Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing college along with NSS Unit 3, SVSU has organized events to commemorate this day. The programme was initiated at Village Amirpur Baleni with a health awareness rally which started from the bus
stand in the village at 10am. The students recited various slogans and created an awareness among the residents to fight against the HIV infection. Followed by this health education regarding causes, mode transmission, prevention and social stigma associated with HIV infection was given in the form of Role play and Health education sessions by the Nursing Students of NSS and GNM 3rd year. More than 200 villagers were benefited by the awareness campaign.
In the afternoon session Journal club presentation was done by the Journal Club of Nursing College. Mr. Raja Sam, assistant professor, Dept. of MHN presented on the topic “update on HIV care”. The more than 30 faculty of nursing college and PG students were benefited by the presentation Under the guidance of Dr. Geeta Parvanda, Principal of Nursing College, Associate Professor Shaheen Akhtar Khan,
Assistant Professor Nisha Yadav NSS Unit-3 , Assistant Professor Himanshu NSS Unit-1, Assistant Professor Dharmendra NSS Unit-2 and Assistant Lecturer Shivani Bhabodouriya NSS Unit-3, Assistant Lecturer Anjani Mathur, Assistant Lecturer Kavita contributed in successfully organizing and conducting the program.