Faculty of Law

7th Sardar Patel Subharti Moot Court Competition 2023

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Report on 7th Sardar Patel Subharti Moot Court Competition -2023

The Moot Court Association of 2022-2023 organized the 7th Sardar Patel Subharti Moot Court Competition.  It was held on 9th & 11th February 2023. This time there were two students constituting a team. 50  students from the college participated in the competition.

On 9th February 2023

Inauguration ceremony followed by Preliminary Rounds that was divided into two sessions took  place.

The stage management was done by Ms. Afreen Almas, Convenor(MCA)

The Judges for the Preliminary Rounds were

1.Mr. Rakesh

2.Ms. Usha

3.Ms. Manisha

4.Mr. Areef

5.Mr. Ratin Basu

6.Mr. Anup Tirkey


In the preliminary Round, 13 teams presented their arguments from the appellant side and 12  presented from respondents. For the Semi Finals, only 4 teams out of 25 qualified as per the rules.

On 11th Feb, 2023

The Judges for the Semi- Final Round were

1.Ms. Ana Sisodia (Asst. Professor)

2.Mr. Ajay Raj Singh (Asst. Professor)

In the Semi- Final Round, 2 teams presented their arguments from the appellant side and 2 presented  from respondents. For the Final Round, 2 teams qualified.

The Judges for the Final Round were

1. Dr. D.P. Semwal, Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, Ministry of Finance, GOI

2. Mr. Arun Kumar, Legal Advisor, Government of India

The Winners of the Competition are

1) Best Team : – Ashutosh Sharma & Ayush Sharma

2) Runner-Up Team : – Anushka Ahlawat & Chimi Ghasyel Dorji

A team of 8 volunteers worked as Court Masters and helped throughout the Competition  Court Masters/ Volunteers

Gourav, Shree, Navya, Prakarti, Aarti, Aayush, Zoya & Isha Tyagi

After the final rounds, the Valedictory Ceremony took place, where all the participants got  certificates and trophies as an Appreciation Award. After the Valedictory Ceremony, Judges of the  event guided how mooters can work better on their presentation. They shared some landmark  cases that were involved in the Moot Problem.

After this, Ms. Afreen Almas (Faculty Convenor of MCA) came for the vote of thanks & thanked all the participants, volunteers, respected judges and all faculty members for their support.  ∙ At the time of Final Round and Valedictory Ceremony – 09 Faculties viewed the Competition and  27 students from all five year marked their presence for the same.


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