Faculty of Law

Academic Tour of District Court, Meerut

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Academic Tour of District Court, Meerut

On the above mentioned date an academic visit was organized by Sardar Patel Subharti Institute  of Law, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University for the students of BA.LL.B.to observe the  working procedure of Lok Adalat under the guidance of Prof (Dr) Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya, Dean,  Faculty of Law. At 10.10am a group of 23 students under the supervision of Ms. Shalini Goel, faculty member of Subharti Law College moved from the college to visit the District Court  Meerut to observe the working procedure of Lok Adalat.

On this occasion Prof. (Dr.) Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya, Dean Faculty of Law told that  understanding of work procedure of Lok Adalat is very important for law students. It is the main  task of Lok Adalat to resolve the disputes in a speedy manner, you are fortunate that Subharti  Law College is organizing this visit to facilitate you. Definitely you all will be benefited with  this visit because Lok Adalat is the way through which litigants can resolve their disputes/ cases  in lesser time and the burden of Courts can be reduced by using all the alternative methods of  disputes resolution. As it is much clearer with the name, the literal meaning of Lok Adalat is  “People’s-Court”. It is one of the essential components of the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)  system. In ancient times, the disputes were referred to as “Panchayats’ ‘, which were established at  the village level. ‘Panchayats’ resolved the disputes through arbitration.

Dr. Sarika Tyagi said that it has proved to be a very effective alternative to litigation. The awards  passed by a Lok Adalat are considered to be a decree of a Civil Court and shall be final and  binding on all the parties of the dispute (there shall also be no appeal against the award).  At10.50 a.m. this group reached the court where they were addressed by the Hon’ble District  and Session Judge, Meerut Sh. Rajat Singh Jain. In his address he told the students about the  importance of the legal profession and what role can be played by an advocate in the justice delivery  system. After this students observed the bank cases which can be resolved by the use of various

sources of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Various questions were asked by the students which  were answered by the bank authorities.

Then students met with Sh. Pawan Kumar Shukla, Special Judge, Special Court number 2 and  asked various questions related to Motor Vehicle Act, Domestic violence cases etc. All questions  were answered by the Court in a very effective and satisfactory manner. Afterward students  talked with Ms. Nemat Siddique and Mrs. Neetu Sharma, the counselors of the Mediation Centre,  who explained the process of mediation in detail to the students. Various questions like which  types of cases can be resolved by the mediation and what is the success ratio of the mediation?  Queries of students were patiently resolved by these counselors.

After that students met with Sh. Vinod Sharma, Secretary, District Legal Services Authority,  Meerut . He interacted with the students and also met with the Para legal Volunteer of Subharti  Law College and discussed the Survey of NALSA and motivated and appreciated the  PLV’S & other students to work for the society through Legal Aid. During this academic visit  Palak Tyagi, Amina, Ashika, Yashika Gupta, Mansi, Kajal, Riya Sharma , Riya Chaubey,  Manisha Kumari, Priya Kumari, Poonam Ojha, Anil Kishore, Sumit Sharma, Md.Tanzeel,  Govind Kumar, Zareena, Yash Garg, Abuzar, Piyush Sharma, Dewansh sagar, Khizar, Akash  Sirohi and Gaurav Paliwal were present.

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