Department of Home Science

Career Counseling Session

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A career is a comprehensive and developmental process designed to assist individuals in making the right career decisions that result in their social, financial, and emotional well-being. In order to benefit our students, Under the guidance of the University Career Counseling Cell and joint effort of Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Department of Home Science, Nandlal Bose Subharti College Of Fine Arts & Fashion Design, and Uttakalmani Gopbandhu Department of Education, A “Career Counseling Session” was organized on 1st October 2022 in at Amrita Shergill Conference Hall. The event was engaged and smoothly conducted by Ms. Urvashi Sharma, Assistant professor of the Department Of Home Science and University Career Counseling Cell Member. The session was taken by respected external speaker Dr. Sunayan Sharma, Assistant Professor Amity Institute of Food Technology, Amity University. The session commenced with the welcome of the external speaker by Head, Home Science Dr. Nishma Singh by giving a planter. Dr. Sunanyan in her session enlightened the students will career choices and scopes in Home Science, Field of Education, Animation, Fine Arts, and Fashion Design. To add to the session Internal Speakers Dr. Bhuvnesh Sharma ( Department of Education), Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Ms. Shefali, and Ms. Vidhi Khandelwal (Subharti College of fine arts & fashion design) made the students aware of the various career perspective in their fields. In the end, Dr. Nishma Singh and all the UCCC members of respective colleges & departments ( Ms. Urvashi, Dr. Sonal & Ms. Riba Devi ) gave the memento as a token of appreciation from Subharti University to an external speaker. The session was concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Urvashi who thanked all the students, faculty, helpful non-teaching staff, and UCCC for this successful session.

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