Date/Time Date: 20-11-2021 Time: 10:00 AM onwards Patrons Prof. (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Prof. (Dr.) Shalya Raj CEO, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Dr. Manoj Kapil Dean & Principal, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut Speaker Dr. Chamboli Joga Rao Deputy Engineer, MAHADA (Maharashtra housing
Technical Quiz-21 organized by Dept. CSE/IT for Knowledge Development Program of students at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Swami VivekanandSubharti University on November 17, 2021 An Online Quiz was organized Computer Fundamental and Its Applications, dated November17, 2021, by Dept. of CSE/IT at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Swami VivekanandSubharti University. In this event 151
Poster Competition A Poster Competition was organized by the Department of Biochemistry on 16/11/21 from 9:00 – 12:00 PM. Students of MBBS 2020 Participated in 15 Groups comprised of 10 Students each. They Prepared flex posters and models under the guidance of their respective resource person. Faculty of Biochemistry Department Acted as a Resource person
WORKSHOP ORGANIZED ON MODELING OF ELECTRONICS CIRCUIT USING eSim BY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING AT SUBHARTI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING ON 16TH NOVEMBER 2021 The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering of Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University organized a hands on workshop on Modeling Of Electronics
Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Organizes ALUMNI MEET-2021 On 13th November 2021 _________________________________________________________________________ An Alumni meet was conducted by Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering of the University on 13 November 2021. The alumni meet is conducted every year in order to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate their
Women Empowerment Program Phase-3 Date: 13 November 2021 Event: One-day Workshop on Martial art training for women and girls. Event organizer: Dr. Manju Adhikari ( Associate professor, Physical education department ) Martial arts Trainer: Mr. Rajeev Kr (Assistant professor, Department of Education) As we have taken a resolution to empower women through Naari Shakti Abhiyan
In tune with the Subharti slogan Shiksha Sewa and Sanshkar, an outreach activity on “ Application of solar energy”
The summery report on extension activity held on 12/11/2021 By Mechanical Engineering Department In tune with the Subharti slogan Shiksha sewa and Sanshkar. An outreach activity on “ Application of solar energy” was conducted with due permission from competent authority on 12/11/2021 at 10:30 AM onwards by students of mechanical engineering department, subharti institute of
Date: 11/11/2021 Mode: ZOOM, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, Subharti University, Meerut. Navigation: Department of Mental Health Nursing, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College. Beneficiaries: Nursing Students [M.Sc II Year, Fourth Year, Post B.Sc II Year ,GNM Interns , Alumini students. No. Of student attended: 150 The Government of NCT of Delhi through its
REPORT Event : Vigilance Awareness Week Date : 26.10.2021 to 01.11.2021 26.10.2021:-Integrity Pledge 28.10.2021:- Poster Making Competition on ‘Satynishtha se Atamnirbharta’ 30.10.2021:- Documentary Picturisation 01.11.2021:- Online Quiz Competition Venue : Moot court Hall Subharti Law College Faculties Engaged : 13 Report - To celebrate the vigilance awareness week on a theme- Independent India @ 75