Faculty of Nursing Home


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The Career counseling session was organized for the students of Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing college in collaboration with ebek language laboratories. Headquarter of Ebek Language laboratories private limited is situated chennai.

It is one of the leading English language training academies which was set up with a vision to impart English language communication services to the student’s community which will help them to be placed in abroad countries.

Guest speaker:

  • Neslyn jhonson, CEO, ebek English language laboratories, Chennai
  • Aparna Shrivastava, Head of north region, ebek English language laboratories


  • Geeta Parwanda, Principal and Dean, Faculty of Nursing
  • Shaheen Akhtar Khan, Associate prof, Dept of CHN, Faculty of Nursing
  • Nisha G, Asst. Prof. Dept of MNH, Faculty of Nursing
  • Nisha Yadav, Asst. Prof. Dept. of CHN, Faculty of Nursing 

Dr. Geeta Parwanda, Principal and Dean, PDMSNC initiated the program initiated with the formal welcome of the guests from ebek. Thereafter the Mr. Neslyn jhonson, CEO, ebek English language laboratoties discussed with the students regarding carrier opportunities available for nurses in UK, US, Australia, Canada etc and how to grab them. Mrs Aparna along with the team conducted an online test which help students to check their level of english profeciancy and to determine the area where they are lacking so that improment can be done.

Overall it was very interactive session which provided the students with a clear picture of carrier opportinities available with them.

The doubts of the students were addressed carefully. All the students were informed to approach the carrier counseling cell in case of any related queries.

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