Guest Lecture on
“Print Media in Digital Era”
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Subharti Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, organized a lecture on the topic “Print Media in the Digital Age”. Prof. (Dr.) Ravindra Pratap Rana, Senior media educator and media specialist was the guest speaker in this lecture. Addressing the students, Dr. Rana said that today there is a dearth of good journalists in the media.
He said that understanding the importance of print media, the new generation should come forward. Media is also a form of social service and we should move forward keeping this in mind. Prof. Rana reiterated that today is the era of the internet and social media. Nowadays all types of information are being digitized. The age of the Internet and digitalization has revolutionized the way we live our lives. Everything we do is directly or indirectly connected to the internet, this includes our every smallest search and need.
Senior Media Educator Dr. Rana said that today’s humans have become dependent on the Internet for every task. Sharing his experience with media students, Prof. Ravindra Rana said that the media provides an opportunity for continuous learning. For this, the media person should always be ready and dedicated. He needs to move forward gradually and improve his writing.
Commenting on this occasion, Head of the Department, Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra Thaledi said that there have been major changes in the field of media technology. Due to these, digital transformation has also been promoted. An impression is created in the minds of readers that the circulation of “print media” has decreased. But print media is still as influential a medium as it was before. The proof of this is the number of advertisements appearing regularly in newspapers and magazines. Even today advertisers find print media a powerful medium for their advertisements.
On this occasion Prof. Ashok Tyagi, Ram Prakash Tiwari, Dr. Preeti Singh, Madhur Sharma, Shelly Sharma, Shikeb Majeed and all the students of the department were present.