Faculty of Management & Commerce

Incessant Faculty Development Programme

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Incessant Faculty Development Programme Inaugurated in the University

Today, on 15/11/2022, Incessant Faculty Development Programme was inaugurated by Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr. Major General G.K. Thapliyal SM, through lighting the lamp. Honorable Vice-Chancellor, while addressing the programme, stressed a dire need of organizing such type of events in the present scenario for the sustainable growth faculty fraternity. Members of UFDC were felicitated as well in this function.

CEO, SVSU, Dr. Shalya Raj expressed her good wishes in this context.

Prof. Dr. R. K. Ghai, Dean Faculty of Management and Commerce, and Chief convener, University Faculty Development Committee gave detailed information about the programme. He told that under this Incessant university faculty development program which is a long term program, various sessions will be organized on different modules on life management skills for all Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, HODs & HOIs every year.

The first session of FDP was on the topic of Teamwork for Assistant Professors of Management and Pharmacy. Dr. RK Ghai, Chief Convener of the Faculty Development Committee was the resource person of the session. The session comprised video aids, Interaction with participants, management games, brain storming exercise and a well-structured & scientifically developed questionnaire on team work.  The participants termed the FDP interesting & informative. Certificates were distributed to the participating faculty at the end of the programme.  Dr. Abhay M. Shankaregowda, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Vaibhav Goyal, Dean Law, Dr. Manoj Kapil, Dean SITE, Dr. Shokindra, Dean Pharmacy, Dr. Geeta Parvinda, Dean Nursing, Dr. Jasmine, Principal Physiotherapy, Dr. Shivmohan, HOI Hotel Management and Dr. Anoj Kumar, HOD Education, were present in this programme.



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