“Manthan”- Cultural fest 2025
Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, a constituent unit of Swami Vivekananda Subharti University, Meerut have organized a programManthan Cultural fest 2025on 16/01/2025 for showcasing the students talent by this platform .The programme was conducted in Satyajeet Ray Auditorium Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut
The programmed was started at 12.30 pm to 4:00 pm. A warm welcome of all the participants by the host Ms. Mujjasim NPCC I St yr student & Ms. Tanu followed by the Inaugural Session which initiated by welcoming our Special Guest Dr. Bhawana Grower She is the Chief cultural Secratary in Nandlal Bose fine art Subharti College and dignitaries Judge. Dr. Aashima who was the judge for Solo Dance and Group Dance & Second Judge Mrs. Nishi Chauhan Who was the judge for Solo and Group Singing. After welcoming the guest ligting the lamp than Motivational speech Given by Dr. Bhawana Grower to all students. Dr. Ambili HOD of OBG Department present the sapling and token of love to the Dr. Bhawna Grower and Mrs. Saroj HOD of Pediatric department present the sapling and token of love to Dr. Aasima Dance competition judge.
.Than Program continue with the Group Dance and Solo Dance competition .Dr. Aashima she is Asst. Prof. In Subharti engineering college. She judge the Solo dance ,group dance and Skit . She anounce the winners after the last performance .She chosen the winner for Solo Dance Ist Winner to Anjali GNM II nd yr, second winner Tanu pawar M.sc I St yr studentand IIIrd winner was Rishita Sharma M.sc I St yr students and Riya Pradeep GNM Ist yr then she announce Group dance winner toIst winner to Manya and group B.Sc. 6th semester. IInd winner to GNM IInd yr students Rythm group) and third winner to G.N.M 1st year Neelam and group. after the dance competition She announce the skit winner I st to GNM I st yr group and II nd to GNM II nd yr group. after wined up the Dance eventsolo singing event start with the welcome of Singing judge Mrs. Nishi Chauhan Asst. Prof. From fine art Subharti nursing college. Mrs. Komal Saxena Asst. Prof. Present the sapling to Mrs. Nishi Chauhanthen Singing Judge Mrs. Nishi Chauhan who is the Post graduate in Sitar and working as a Asst. Prof in Nand Lal Bose Fine and Arts Subharti College Meerut . She judge the solo singing and group singing event after the singing event Judge announce the all solo singing and group Singing winner Ist Solo Sining winner to Mr. Chrish B.sc VI semester ,Second winner to Mr. Vaibhav, Third winner to Mr. Anubhav M.sc I st yr.Group Singing Ist winner to GNM II nd yr ,second winner to GNM I st yr .. The program was organized by the Asst. Professor Komal Saxena Cultural secratry and PG Tutor Ms. Priya Bhardwaj. Programme was successfully organised, under the guidance of Ex. Capt. Prof. Dr, Geeta Parwanda Principal, PDMSNC.