Report of National Librarian’s Day 12th August
Department of library & information science organized a seminar on “Relevance of Ranganathan’s Five Law in Modern Era” on the occasion of National Librarian Day on 12th August 2023. All faculty members were present along with students and library professionals of SVSU libraries. The programme was started with the offering of floral tributes to the portrait of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan and lighting of Lamp by Dr. Sudhir Tyagi and faculty members.
The seminar began with warm welcome by the host Dr. Sapna Sharma. She also briefed about the importance of Librarian’s Day and contribution of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in the field of Library & Information Science. Dr. Sudhir Tyagi, Professor & head, DLIS highlighted some of the important contributions of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan who has been regarded as Father of Library Science in India and mentioned his contribution for the development of Indian Librarianship and library movement in the country. On this occasion, Dr. Javed Khan mentioned the relevance of Dr. Ranganathan’s Five laws in Public Library and Dr. Alpana mentioned Dr. Ranganathan’s Five laws in the context of web resources in modern era.
The programme ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Sapna Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science. Everyone appreciated the program. The high tea was arranged for participants after the function. Overall program was successful.
(Dr. Sudhir Tyagi)