Registration Fee – Rs. 50/-
Nandlal Bose Subharti College of Fine Arts & Fashion Design of Swami Vivekananda SubhartiUniversity, completed a 5-day Value Addition course in the Department of Interior Design from September 26th to September 30th.
Head of the Interior Design Department, Dr. Neha Singh, thanked the subject expert, Miss Ratika Jain, for the workshop. In this, the subject of traditional art and craft was discussed in relation to the artist’s art and all things related to it. Along with the main information about the art, the objects made from this art were described. After that, at the end of the class, various arts taught over 5 days were explained in detail by the student. On the first day, the theme of the Buddha Mural was highlighted and a copy of it by the students was prepared. On the second day, the girl student was exposed to the Turkish lamp, and her little one, Sample, was prepared.
On the third day, the course begins with a talk about the mirror and its journey from the pre-dawn period till now, which is discussed in terms of its usage and change.
On the fourth day, decoupage and dot were explained in detail, using which the students made very beautiful articles. On the fifth day, she introduced fabric techniques.
The student learned to make the other traditional art and craft-made furnishings themselves, which developed in him the enthusiasm to make work, art, and craft made from different styles of art and craft. In this program, the students of the departments of interior design, textiles, fashion, pantsuiting, applied art, etc. participated, and all the students made very creative and appreciable artwork.
At the end of the program, Principal Professor (Dr.) Pintu Mishra and Head of the Department, Dr. Neha Singh, expressed their gratitude to the guests who came, and Dr. Neha, Head of the Department, gave the vote of thanks to the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Professor (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal and also expressed her gratitude to the Principal Professor (Dr.) Pintu Mishra. Wishing all the students a happy and prosperous future in the coming years, Department Coordinator Ar. WafaRasheed concluded the Value Added Course 2022. In making the programme successful, the team of interior designers, Ar. Wafa Rashid, Er.ShailjaSindhay, and Er. Monika Verma, contributed significantly.