Faculty of Medicine Paramedical Science

World Optometry Day

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The Department of Paramedical Sciences has been organized the Model and Poster making
competition on the occasion of” WORLD OPTOMETRYDAY”on 23/03/2023, Thursday. All the students of B. OPTOMETRY course were attended the event and actively participated in the different activities. In this program Dr. Abhay Shankar Gowda (Hon’ble Pro-Vice Chancellor), Dr. Satyam Khare (Vice-Principal), Dr. Harjeet Minhas (M.S.), Dr. D.C. Saxena, Dr.V. K. Malik (Professor, Ophthalmology) Dr.

Umesh Kumar (Head of Department), Dr.

Pankaj (MHA), and all the faculty members of the department were present. The program was inaugurated with the motivation speech of the Hon’ble Pro-V.C sir, Vice-Principal Sir, Medical Superintendent Sir, Director (General) sir and Head of the Department. All the students were divided into different teams to present their posters and models and the winner teams were awarded with the trophies and certificates. A rally was also organized by the all students on the topic”LOVE YOURS EYES.

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