16th SOMI National Conference
17th March 2023
Society of Midwives India and in collaboration with College of Nursing, SGPGIMS, Lucknow has organized the 16th national conference on the theme “to promote normal birthing for the health of mother and baby “– bring back Midwives” at Shruti Auditorium , SGPGIMS,Lucknow.
Conference was inaugurated by hon’ble Shri Brajesh Pathak, Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Minister of Medical Education, Health and Family Welfare Department, Guest of Honour Dr. Alok Kumar, Registrar, Uttar Pradesh State Medical Faculty, Lucknow, Prof R.K. Dhiman, Director, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, Dr. Deepika Cecil Khaka, Nursing Advisor, Government of India, Dr. Radha k (Principal, College of Nursing, SGPGIMS). Mrs.Mitali Adhikari (President SOMI), DR. Geeta parwanda (organizing Secretary,), Mrs. Shabana Khatun ( Conference chairperson). Dr. Prakasamma ( Founder SOMI). The proceeding begins with lamp lighting and sarswati vandana. All the dignitaries welcomed by Dr. Radha k. This was followed by SOMI presidential address by Mrs. Mitali Adhikari. Prof. R. K Dhiman address the gathering in his by mentioning that importance of midwives in the care of mothers and child health care in reducing the maternal mortality rates during pre -natal and post -natal periods. Chief Guest of the conference Hon’ble Shri Brajesh Pathak, Deputy Chief Minister, UP address the gathering by focusing on the promotion of normal birthing. Midwives play as vital role in the part of maternal care. Nurses are with 24 hours services and largest contribution in health care delivery system during the hospitalization of patient. Uttar Pradesh government has initiated “MISSION NIRAMAYA” in Oct 2022 to uplift and strengthen the pre-service nursing education and carries counseling for intermediate college/ schools.
After the inauguration the first plenary session was organized on the topic of natural birth: the rights of mother and child. Session was chaired by Dr. Deepika Cecil Khaka and panelists presented their views and opinions.
Followed by panel discussion on the topic of what are the challenges in preparing skilled midwives for natural birthing. Third session was a satellite conference on ANM under which various ANM shared their experience and issues from all over India. Concurrent session was organized on different topics related to antenatal interventional studies, practice experiences. First day last session was a journey of birthing models and Midwives practices in India and riverside narratives from midwives. The last first day conference was concluded by a “campaign concert” to promote natural birthing by nursing students from various nursing colleges of Lucknow city.
18th March 2023
In the second day of conference on18th March 2023, the first plenary session was organized on midwife Led care unit; challenge and interpretation. Session was chaired by Col. S. Geeta Ramesh, Principal Command Hospital, Lucknow. During the session Ms. Inderjeet Kaur, Fernandez foundation explained the concept of midwife led care unit. The speakers of the sessions were included from Telangana and Maharashtra and expressed their views about midwife led care units.
In the second session, plenary discussion was organized on “who is a midwife in India? Identity, perception and practices”. Conference was moderated by Dr. Smritikana Mani, Retd Nursing Director and opening speaker was Ms. Neha Lajrus Joravia, GMERS Gujarat. The panelists of sessions were from different parts of the country including Kerala, Telangana & Jharkhand and expressed their opinion regarding identity of midwives and practices of midwives.
In the third session, a satellite conference was organized on “Nurse Practitioner in Midwife (NPMs)”. Conference was chaired by Dr. Jassu Patidar,Former registrar Gujarat nursing council. During the session, speakers expressed their opinion on cadre creation, role, protocol and practice guidelines for NPM. They also discussed problems on implementation of the NPM model in hospitals in India. They also discussed strategy for advocating about and implementation of the midwife models of natural birthing.
In the last session, four concurrent sessions were organized related to Midwife practices, postnatal interventions, experience of managing complications in India. During the session various speakers presented their model of practice and research presentation. Research presentations were on intervention package on infant and young child, anxiety of postnatal mothers in low birth babies, contribution factors and perceived barriers for non-compliance of breast feeding, impact of midwives led unit in tertiary hospitals, managing complications of shoulder dystocia, complications of hypertension during childbirth, establishing lactation in mothers, experience of registered midwife, preterm babies and respiratory distress, flipping breech to cephalic presentation midwifery role, practice of labor room etc. These sessions were chaired by Ms. Rupashree, IGIMS, Bihar, Brig. R. Jayanthi Command hospital, Lucknow, Mr. Navin J. H.
At the End of the day the delegates, guests and sponsors enjoyed Cultural Cuisine from Midwives across India.
19th March 2023
On the third day of the conference on19th March 2023, the first Plenary session was organized on Midwives practices: a vision for the well -being of mothers and babies. Plenary session was chaired by Dr Radha K (Principal College of Nursing, SGPGIMS, Lucknow). Keynote speakers of the session were Dr Mohammad Ahsan, White Ribbon Alliance, Ms Rani Rajeshwari( Nurse Midwife), Ms.Surbhi Bhargava( Midwife Educator), Mrs, Manjula all the speakers had highlighted their opinion in different aspects.
In the second session a panel discussion was organized on Is India ready for midwives? Learning from the past, moving forward. Panel discussion was moderated by Dr Latha Radhamony (Retd. Deputy Director Nursing). Opening speaker Mrs. Sumita Chakraborty from West Bengal explains the past experiences of midwives. The panelist also pointed out the past experiences and how we can move in future.
In the third session satellite conferences were organized for nurses in midwifery units. Conference was chaired by Dr Usha Mullick Ukande, Senior Consultant Midwife and presented the roles and responsibilities of midwives. Conference was moderated by Ms. Khusboo Rani. During a satellite conference Ms Shainymol and Ms Neha Joravia explained the working conditions of midwifery units and challenges faced by mothers.
In the concurrent sessions the presenters were presented the research presentation and midwifery practice presentation /case studies on Neonatal and postnatal interventional studies which was chaired by Ms. Sarita, Shimla from Himachal Pradesh. The speakers spoke on the topics which includes the effectiveness of music therapy in children in NICU, effect of heat therapy on postpartum pain and Anaemia in pregnancy. In second concurrent session was organized on Midwives research presentation which was chaired by Dr Reena( Principal, College of Nursing Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh) .The speakers spoke on the topics which includes on practices followed by midwifery students in normal vaginal birth, women’s perception on respectful maternity care, relationship between maternal hemoglobin level at term and neonatal outcome, effectiveness of birthing ball experience on labor pain and feto- maternal outcome. Next session topic was on challenges on Midwifery practices which was chaired by Dr Ruth. The speaker spoke on the topics which includes on independent private midwifery practices, strengthening of MCH services in community, challenges and difficulties as a nurse midwives and effect of decision control curbs in independent practices, challenges in practicing as midwife, challenges in midwifery clinical teaching, declining midwifery services in community, initiation and operationalization of Midwifery led care unit (MLCU) and satisfaction of mothers regarding natural birth and cesarean section.
During the three days conference Skill Mall was organized to improve the skill and develops the competencies among the delegates and other guests. Skill Mall includes Birth position, Birthing Ball experiences, Shoulder dystocia, Breech presentation, New-born resuscitation and Mama-U. Skill station was organized by Dr. Radha K. (Principal, College of Nursing, SGPGIMS, Lucknow) which were facilitated by the educators Dr Sujata Sawant (ANSWERS) and Ms. Sheetal Samson (Fernandez foundation). Total 241 participants practiced the skill mall and were appreciated with certificates.
In three days, conferences from 21 state and union territories total 400 participants were registered and participated in the 16th national conference.
The conference was full of scientific presentations with evidence-based practices for promoting normal birthing, satellite session and skill competitions to enrich the knowledge of the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), Nurse Midwife, and various cadres of nurses in the clinical and academic area across India.