On the occasion of 25th Anniversary of Panna Dhai Maa Subharti nursing college has organized two days national conference on 24th and 25th January 2025 on theme “Re-Envisioning the role of educators in nursing education-Instructor centric versus Student centric” in collaboration with Vidyanata Skill Institute.
The program was started with unveiling the statue of Panna Dhai Maa in the membranes of Maa Panna Dhai sacrifice by the Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Bimla Kapoor former director of SOHS IGNOU, New Delhi, Dr. Ashia Qureshi Former Dean Faculty of Nursing, Galgotia University, Greater Noida, Dr. Shalya Raj Honorable CEO, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Dr. Ravinder Principal Parul University, Vadodara Gujarat, Dr. Uma Rani, Principal, D.Y. Patil College of Nursing, Kolhapur and Dr. Jyoti Bala, Professor, Faculty of nursing Uttar Pradesh university of Medical Science Saifai, Etawah.
The program, was followed by the lamp lighting ceremony, accompanied by the invocation song from the nursing students. Welcome address was given by the Prof. Dr. Geeta Parwanda, Principal Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College. After that Greeting the guests with the plant saplings. Keynote address was given by Prof. Dr. Bimla Kapoor former director of SOHS IGNOU, New Delhi. Unveiling the conference proceedings by the dignitaries was have been quite an honor. Honoring the guest by the mementos as the token of love from the Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College.
As Annual day of Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College organized a sports and cultural event. Nursing students was awarded. Best Athlete Male Mr Aditya B.Sc. 4th Semester, Best Athlete Female Ms Misty B.Sc. 4th Semester, Best Cultural Performer Ms Vipshiyana B.Sc 2nd semester, Best House Team D was awarded by the degenteries and Alumni award was given to the our first alumni Mr Pawan Mishra Nursing Superintendent District Hospital Meerut and Mrs Anjali Nursing Officer in District Hospital Meerut.
Col Beena Vijay Kumar also addressed regarding the conference theme and motivated the nurse educators and delegates for the session. Words of blessings was given by Maj. Gen. (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University. Followed by inauguration of the skill-based workshop organized by the Vidyanata Skill Institute and the inaugural session was end by the vote of thanks by Prof Sree Ram Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College. Program was moderated by the Mr Prabhat Asst Prof and Mrs Lincy Asst Prof Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College.
Conference Sessions begin by Dr Uma Rani, Principal, D.Y. Patil College of Nursing, Kolhapur on tools and technologies integration in nursing education, and followed by Dr. Ashia Qureshi Former dean faculty of nursing, Galgotia University, Greater Noida, on role of educators in nursing practice-learners centric v/s lecture centric, Dr. Chhavvi Kiran Gupta department of Community Medicine, Subharti Medical College on strengthening of public health for health science students, Dr. N. Neetu Devi, Nursing Consultant UPSMF on Continuing nursing professional development among nurses in career progression and quality of life among patients, panel discussion on role of educators in nursing practice-learners centric v/s lecture centric was moderated by Dr. Neerja Sood Asso Prof IGNOU, panel experts was Dr. Jaideep COO at Vidyanta, Dr. Ravinder Principal Parul University, Dr. Jyoti Bala Professor, Faculty of nursing Uttar Pradesh university of medical Science Saifai, Etawah. Workshop on skill impact on clinical competency and effectiveness of active learning in nursing was organized by the Vidyanta Skill Institute. Scientific Paper and poster presentations also presented by different colleges faculties and students was moderated by the Dr. Jyoti Bala Professor, Faculty of nursing Uttar Pradesh university of medical Science Saifai, Etawah, Prof Dr. Ambli V and Asso Prof Madhuri Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College.
After the cultural program was organized by the nursing students with difference culture performances. Program was moderated by the Mrs Nidhi Asst Prof. Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nuring college. At the evening Alumni Meet also organized for the all distinguish alumni of our college followed by the DJ Night for the alumni moderated by the Mrs Khushboo Rani Asso Prof and Mrs Archana Asst Lect.
Program was successfully done by Prof Dr. Ambli HOD OBG Department, Prof Deepak Kumar HOD Adult Health Nursing Department and Prof Sree Ram HOD Community Health Nursing Department under the guidance of Prof Dr. Geeta Parwanda Principal, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College.