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Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Awareness Program (NIPAM)

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After receiving a letter of invitation from Deputy Registrar of Copyrights, Patent Office(Delhi) by Dean,  Faculty of Law under the National IP Awareness Program (NIPAM) launched by Office of Controller  General of Patents, Designs and Trademark (CGPDTM), Department for Promotion of Industry and  Internal Trade, Subharti Law College in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, SVSU organized  “IPR Awareness Programme” on 12th April 2022 for all the departments and colleges of the University at  Maangalya Convention Center at 11 a.m.

Dr. Neeraj Karan Singh was the Master of Ceremony. Programme started with lamp lighting by the guests and dignitaries. Both the resource persons were welcomed with plant saplings. Thereafter Hon’ble VC gave the opening address. Dr. Neeraj introduced both the resource persons Ms. Nitya Tyagi (Examiner of Patent and Design) and Ms. Chhavi Garg (Examiner of Patent and Design).

In the first session, Ms. Chhavi Garg covered what is intellectual property and discussed two areas of IPR  i.e Patents and Designs. She also added that in one product there can be multiple intellectual property rights.  The patent is granted for a product or process. Patent protection is granted for a limited period, generally 20 years from the filing date of the application. Is a patent valid in every country? Patents are territorial rights. In general, the exclusive rights are only applicable in the country or region in which a patent has been filed and granted, in accordance with the law of that country or region. Patentability Criteria are– Novelty,  Inventive step, Industrial applicability, and Patentable subject matter

Registration of Patent – Filing of patent applications can be two ways either manually or online. Ms. Chhavi also highlighted the point that the registration fee is less for females and certain other groups. She gave the example of LED Bails being patented by a Former Australian cricketer who enjoys royalty from his product.  Ms. Chhavi also covered what is Industrial Design – features of new shape, configuration, surface pattern,  ornamentations, and composition of lines or colors applied to articles which in the finished state appeal to and are judged solely by the eye. It must be applied to a finished article and the features can be 2- or 3- dimensional. The registration is for a duration of ten years and can be extended for up to five years. Items

that cannot be registered as a design was also discussed like flags, emblems, or signs of any country.  Ms. Chhavi took questions from the audience and answered them beautifully.

In the second session, Ms. Nitya Tyagi covered four other types of IPR i.e. trademarks, copyright,  geographical indication, and Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout. She firstly covered -What are trademarks – A trademark is any sign that individualizes the goods of a given enterprise and distinguishes them from the goods of its competitors. A trademark includes any word, name, label, logo, heading,  symbol, device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce. The registration of a  trademark is valid only for a period of 10 years. Forms of Trademark were also discussed. Ms. Nitya also pointed out the requirement of a Trade Mark- It should be unique and distinctive. It should not mislead or confuse the public, not hurt the religious sentiments, not be obscene or vulgar, etc. She explained about trademark search- It is very important to make a search before filing an application as trademarks are available in the area of goods and services only. She also discussed how to register your Trade Mark. She also clarified the difference between TM (™) and R (®) symbols in the trademark.

Thereafter Ms. Nitya explained what are copyrights – The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. Registration under the Copyright Act is optional and not compulsory since it comes into existence as intellectual work is created. The copyright owner has the right to reproduce, distribute, adapt, translate, perform and publicly display the work, etc. She also pointed out what is copyrightable matter – Literary Work including software, Dramatic work, Musical work, Artistic Work, Cinematography films, and Sound recordings. She also discussed the duration of copyright and how to register for copyright.

Next, IPR discussed by Ms. Nitya was Geographical Indication – GI identifies goods that have a specific geographical origin and possesses qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. Example- Basmati Rice  Darjeeling Tea. The registration of a geographical indication is valid for a period of 10 years. It can be renewed from time to time for a further period of 10 years each. If not renewed it is liable to be removed from the register.

And last IPR covered was Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design – Semiconductor Integrated  Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2000 provides for the protection of semiconductor integrated circuits layout designs and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The registration of a layout design is done only for ten years w.e.f. from the date of filing an application for registration or from the date of first commercial exploitation anywhere in India or any country. Requirement for registration requires originality, non-commercialized, and distinctiveness.

At last, the programme ended with a vote of thanks which was given by Dr. Mukul Kumar, Joint Director, CRIC.

The outcome of the Awareness Programme:-

• Delegates could now determine what intellectual property is and what are types?

• Now they must know the basic requirements for different types of rights.

• They are now able to understand why to register and how to register for intellectual property.

Annexures attached are:-

  1. Letter of Invitation from Deputy Registrar of Copyrights, Patent Office (Delhi)   
  2. Letter of Invitation from Registrar, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut 
  3. Minutes to the minute of the programme
  4. List of Beneficiaries of the programme 
  5. Pictures of the programme

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