An abstract on “To find out the relationship between spiritual health and the academic performance, compassionate score and general well”, of the authors: Dr. Geeta Parwanda, with code “20229” after evaluation by the Scientific Committee, has been selected for “POSTER” presentation in the 24th International Nursing Research Conference, which will take place in virtual format, from November 9th to 13th 2020 by INVESTEN ISCII, SPAIN.
Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College on 21/09/2020 conducted a poster competition through online which was depicted or showed the views of Alzheimer’s and awareness of the disease condition. Total 30 students actively participated and was judged by Dr. Gourav srivastava , Psychiatrist, Dept Of Psychiatric , CSSH, SVSU Meerut and Mrs.Sreeja , Senior Tutor, 2nd Incharge Of Nursing Education ,Central institute of psychiatry, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Best 3 posters.
- Ms. Kajal Arya, Bsc(N) 4th year – 1st prize
- Ms. Suman Sharma GNM 3rd year – 2nd prize,
- Ms. Taniya, Bsc(N) 3rd year -3rd prize.
1 PAPER PRESENTED IN NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN NATION DEVELOPMENT (NCRWND-2020) A paper entitled “ A study to assess the prevalence of uterine prolapsed and evaluate the effectiveness of Video-assisted teaching on Preventive measure of uterine prolapsed in terms of knowledge among married women in selected community area in Meerut district (U.P)” was presented in NCRWND-2020 held at National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur during September 20202 CAMPUS INTERVIEW A team from Chhatrapati Shivaji Subharti Hospital visited Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College for Campus interview of GNM 2017 batch Students on 18/09/2020. 18 students selected in the interview.A team from National Heart Institute conducted online campus interview for GNM & B.Sc final year students and 14 students selected as Trainee Staff Nurse.
- CO- HOSTED PERFECT HEALTH MELA Asst. Professor Nisha G has Co-Hosted a Live Webinar on Mental Health Risk Assessment During COVID 19 along with Heart Care Foundation of India in Perfect Health Mela.
- PATIENT SAFETY DAY-2020 On the occasion of Patient Safety Day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College had arranged a webinar on Sep 18th 2020 focusing on the Theme – Health worker safety: A priority for patient safety, with the prior permission from the university and the support of the Principal Dr. Geeta Parwanda.Speakers of the Webinar:
- Shalini. N, M.Sc (N), Ph.D Scholar, University of Hong Kong
- JawaharBabu .M.Sc (N). Nursing officer, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
WORLD HEART DAY-2020 Dept. of Medical & Surgical Nursing, Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College organized a webinar on ALL ABOUT CONTROLLING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE on World Heart Day, 29th September 2020.Theme: Use Heart to beat cardiovascular disease.Speakers of the webinar:
- Mr. Srinivasan, Nursing Officer, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
- Mrs. Alice Dinah Margaret, Ph.D Scholar, Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Chennai
- Ms. Priya C, Associate Professor, Venkateshwara College of Nursing, Chennai
4. Mrs. Cheranmadevi. P, Asst. Professor, VHS-M.A. Chidambaram College of Nursing, Chennai