Theme: Pediatric Vaccination schedule Updates and Corona Vaccine.
Date: 16/03/2021
Time: From 2pm to 4pm
Place: Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College
Beneficiary Group: Post Basic Bsc Nursing Ist and II year, Bsc Nursing III Year.
Organizinsing group: Msc Nursing Ist year students, Department of OBG &the Department Of Pediatrics.
Introduction: The National Vaccination Day, also called the National Immunization Day, is celebrated every year on March 16 to convey the importance of vaccination to the entire nation. The day was first observed in the year 1995, the year on which India started Pulse Polio Program. This year, the National Vaccination Day is important as the country has started its biggest Covid-19 immunization program early this year and has already crossed the 30 million mark.
Program Activity:
- Welcome: The program started at 2 pm the student of Msc Nursing Ist Year Mis. Riya Singh has welcomed the principal mam, faculties and all the students who all are participated. Then she invited Mis. Infant Rani Associate Professor Dept OFOBG for inviting the guest lecturer. The guest lecturer was Dr. Vandana Chauhan Asst. Professor Child Health Nursing, Himalayan College Of Nursing, Swami Rama Himalyan University, Jollygrant, Dehradun.
- Presentation On Pediatric Vaccination:
Dr. Vandana has given a brief description on the newer vaccination schedule according to the WHO update which was done by online Google meet. She was clearly explained about indication, contraindication, types of vaccination, and its routes. She has completed her presentation then students were asking questions and she has cleared the doubts. Mis. Infant Rani thanked her goggle meet was ended.
Pre-test: The pretest link was sent to the students regarding the corona vaccine.
3. CNE on Corona Vaccine:
The students from Msc Nursing done on Corona Vaccine, its types, preparation and administration. There were a 3 presenter’s one moderator and other students done demonstration during the presentation. This program was started at 3pm and ended at 3:45 pm after the presentation the students were raised questions and which was cleared. Finally student Mis: Riya Singh has ended the program by thanks giving. Flowingly we have send posttest links to the participants. The online certificate is awarded for the participants.