Faculty of Law

Sadak Suraksha Pakhwada Program

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As per the guideline of the government and the letter received from U.P. Higher  Education Commission to organize Road Safety Pakhwara by the Educational Institutions a Road  Safety Pakhwara organized by Sardar Patel Subharti Institute of Law, Swami Vivekanand  Subharti University, In which many programs were organized. 1- Online Quiz on Road Safety,  2- Essay Writing Competition on the topic ‘Sarak Suraksa, Jeevan Raksha” and at last a  sensitization and awareness program was organized in association with District Transport  Authority Meerut. During First Activity an online quiz was organized in which around 115  participants participated in the online quiz total 20 questions were asked, which were based on  MV Act, 1988 and on Traffic rules and some were general in nature. This quiz was open for all  age groups.

organized on the topic “SADAK SURAKSHA JEEVAN  RAKSHA” In which around 20 students participated and out of which three students name  Kartik Agarwal from management college, Mansi from Law College and Siya Sharma from  Faculty of Art and Social Science College got First, Second and Third place respectively . After  that a legal awareness and sensitization program was organized on 31 July 2023 in the form of  valedictory program of Sadak Suraksha Pakhwara in association with District Transport  Department, Meerut under the direction of Director of Law Institute Mr. Rajesh Chandra (former  Justice, Allahabad High Court, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh) and Prof. (Dr.) Vaibhav Goyal  Bhartiya, Dean Faculty of Law, Subharti Law Institute, organized by Law club. Dr. Sarika Tyagi,  convenor of Law Club, coordinated the program with the help of Dr.Reena Bishnoi. Dr. Sarika  Tyagi, master of ceremonies, called all the dignitaries for Dias formation. After that, the program  was formally inaugurated by the guests by lighting the lamp.

The guests were welcomed by  presenting saplings keeping in mind the campaign of environmental protection. After that the  guests were welcomed by Prof. (Dr.) Reena Bishnoi and she also informed the audience about  the various competitions organized by Subharti University for Road Safety Pakhwada, which  was organized from July 17, 2023 to July 31, 2023.

After that Mr. Hariram, Secretary, District  Legal Services Authority, Meerut, told the audience that such programs are organized every year,  so that the general public does not forget these rules, but he also expressed grief over the fact that  we organize such programs every year but if we look at the streets then the scene is completely  opposite. Drivers of two wheelers or four wheelers are negligent somewhere or the other. Two wheeler drivers consider it their pride to drive without wearing a helmet while four-wheeler  drivers consider it their pride not to wear seat belts. Drivers of vehicles should keep in mind that  road safety rules are there to keep themselves safe.

After that Justice Rajesh Chandra, director of Subharti Vidhi Sansthan, make aware the audience  with the provisions of the amended Motor Vehicles Act in very simple language and said that if  the driver of an unknown vehicle make accident of any person and due to which a person has  died or the person is seriously injured. So in such a case, the provision of compensation up to ₹  2,00,000/- to the deceased person and up to ₹ 50,000/- to the seriously injured person has been  mentioned in this accident. To get compensation, the person has to register an FIR and if the  victim has died, then his post-mortem report has to be submitted to the SDM, whose settlement  will be done by the Claim Settlement Officer and his report is given to the District Magistrate of  that district. The application is sent by the District Magistrate to the insurance company for  payment within 15 days.

After that Major General Dr. G.K. Thapliyal, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Subharti University  Meerut said that many factors work in road accidents like your environment, machine or human  psychology and disobeying the rules. Elaborating on this issue he said that what is meant by  environment is what kind of path, how is the environment? Talking about the machine he said  that how much air is there in the wheels of your car, how much is diesel and petrol, how are its  brakes and regarding human reasons he said that how is your mood or simply say that you drive  on the road according to your mood. Along with this, boys from the age group of 14 to 25 years  indulge in rash driving or they are the biggest vulnerable group. Apart from this, he shared a  personal experience that the taxi driver was unable to drive on that hilly road because he did not  have his Gutka on the day due to which he was feeling sleepy while driving.

After that Mr. Himesh Tiwari, RTO of Transport Department, Meerut while addressing the  audience said that various types of rules have been made by the Government of India for the  drivers, which are complete in themselves, their implementation is needed. The implementation  is also to be done by the drivers. He said that it would be better if the person present at the  accident site, instead of making a video of an injured person and circulating it, pays attention to  how such a person can get emergency care So that the cases of road accidents can be reduced.  Apart from this, in his statement, he also said that disobeying the traffic rules has become the  character of a person in today’s time; people believe that all these rules are a waste of time to  bind them.

If the person follows the traffic rules in real form, then the future of the country will  be happy and the victim and his family can be saved from mental agony.

The chief guest of the program Mr. Brijesh Singh, ADM City, Meerut in his presidential speech  asked the students to follow the traffic rules. At the same time, he told the audience about the  black spot or say which are the most accident prone areas and said that it is very important to  control your mind and the speed of your vehicle while walking on the road.

At the end of the program, Prof. (Dr.) Vaibhav Goyal Bhartiya gave a vote of thanks to the guests  and said that one of the best traditions of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University is  ‘Responsibility First Rights Later’ in itself for all the students, all the teachers, all the non teaching staff etc. We all should follow the traffic rules, use helmets, use seat belts, as well as inform the  general public about the traffic rules and make them aware to follow these rules keeping in mind  the interest of themselves and their families. At the end of the program, all the listeners were  administered the oath to obey the traffic rules by the students of the university, Vishesh and  Anjali.

In the program Professor Dr. Sandeep Chowdhary, Dr. SC Thaledi, Director of Mishika Group  Mr. Amit Nagar and Heads of various departments of the University and students of NSS and  NCC, (Dr.) Premchand Ms. Afreen Almas, Mr. Vikas Tyagi, Ms. Ana Sisodia, Mr. Ajay Raj,  Ms.Shalini Goel and Mr. Mayank and other faculties were present.

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