Major Dhyan Chand Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education organized organized a Guest lecture on “Yoga for Lifestyle Disorders” on 2nd of September 2022, at the Seminar Hall in Faculty of Education, by the eminent speaker and well-known personality of Indian’s reputed institute in the field of physical education and yoga were invited as a resource person Dr. Nibu R. Krishna Head, Department of Yoga from LNIPE, Gwalior, M.P. Dr. Manju Adhikari, Associate Professor Department of Physical Education was the convenor of this program. This lecture was begun with the address of Prof.
(Dr.) Sandeep Kumar, Dean Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut.
Mr. Arun Vasthav, Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education delivered the welcome address and formerly welcomed the well-known personality of Indian’s reputed institute in the field of physical education and also highlighted his academic achievements. In which he introduced about the different lifestyle disorders, causes and their treatment through yoga therapy.
He also explained about the application of Yogic principles with the objective of achieving a particular spiritual, psychological, or physiological goal. Students participated with full enthusiasm and learned all these techniques. The total no. of participants was 55 from including students and faculty members of Department of Physical Education, FOE. In the end of the guest lecture, Dr. Nibu R. Krishna was honoured by Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kumar with the Patka. Dr. Divesh Chaudhary, Associate Professor Department of Physical Education presented the vote of thanks to Dr. Nibu R. Krishna for sharing his knowledge and he thanked Dean, Faculty of Education, Dr Anoj Kumar, Head of the Education Department, the vice chancellor of the university, chief executive officer Dr shailya Raj, Covenor, faculty members, technical team. And all the participants for making this guest lecture successful. In the guest lecture Dr. Deepak Raghav, Dr. Praveen, Dr. Atul Tiwari, Ms Nisha Saini faculty members, Department of Physcial Education, Education Department and research scholars were also present.