Two-Day National Seminar on “Implementation of NEP 2020: Practical Challenges and Resolutions” was organized by the Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 10th & 11th December 2022.
Dr. Sumit Dutta, Counselling Psychologist & Mental Health Trainer, Resource Person, International Institute of Peace and Development Studies, Bangkok, Thailand and NCERT, India remained the Chief Guest while Prof. (Dr.) Shalya Raj, Chief Executive Officer, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut was the Guest of Honour of the inaugural session of this seminar. Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Principal, Saraswati College of Education, Ghaziabad & Secretary General, CTEF, Delhi-NCR Chapter remained the Keynote Speaker in this inaugural session.
The seminar began with the presentation of saplings to the guests and lightning the lamp followed by Saraswati Vandana.
Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kumar, Dean, Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut formally welcomed all the guests in his welcome speech as the Chairman of the national seminar. He also presented a brief outline on the theme of the national seminar.
In his inaugural address, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Major General (Dr.) G.K. Thapliyal, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut congratulated the Department of Education for organizing the National Seminar on this important subject. He appreciated the topic selected for this national seminar. He gave a brief introduction of the theme and also added that the implementation of NEP 2020 will lead to making our nation a “Vishwa Guru” through modification and incorporation of Indian knowledge in the curriculum as suggested by NEP-2020 document. Prof.(Dr.) Abhay Shankargoda, Pro-Vice Chancellor, SVSU, Meerut also graced the inaugural session.
The keynote speaker of this inaugural session, Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar, Principal, Saraswati College of Education, Ghaziabad & Secretary General, CTEF Delhi- NCR Chapter spoke on the challenges related to online digital approach in his expert note and also presented the resolutions to these challenges.
Prof. (Dr.) S.C. Pachauri, Director, Quality Control, RBBSU and Secretary General, CTEF, Delhi-NCR Chapter as the speaker of this inaugural session focused on the difficulties in practically implementing the recommendations of NEP 2020 and also gave suggestions to overcome them especially in the field of Teacher Education.
Dr. Sumit Dutta, Counselling Psychologist and Mental Health Trainer, Resource Person International Institute of Peace and Development Studies, Bangkok, Thailand and NCERT, India the Chief Guest of this inaugural session spoke on the life skills education to help meet NEP 2020 goals as suggested according to SD4 in NEP-2020. He also associated mental health & well being with learning and education.
Prof. Sokendra, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy & Dr. Neetu Panwar, Director, IQAC were witnesses of the inaugural session.
Prof. (Dr.) Anoj Raj, Head, Department of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut focussed on challenges related to curriculum implementation at grass root level. He also proposed a vote of thanks towards the end of this session.
Two technical sessions were conducted on the first day of this national seminar. The first technical session was conducted through offline mode and Dr. Amit Gautam, Associate Professor, Department of School and Non Formal Education, NIEPA, New Delhi remained the chairperson of this technical session while Dr. Rahul Sirohi, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut remained the co-chairperson. The session was moderated by Dr. Bhuvnesh Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut.
Total 10 papers were presented in this session by the participants on different cub themes. In this session Ms. Sharmishtha Chaudhary, Assistant Professor, Mahalaxmi Degree College, Meerut, Mr. Ashok Kumar Yadav, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, SVSU, Meerut and Manisha Jain, Research Scholar, Department of Education, SVSU, Meerut presented their paper very effectively.
The second technical session was conducted through online mode and Dr. Hemendra Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Lucknow remained the Chairperson of this technical session while Dr. Rubi, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut remained the Co-Chairperson. The session was moderated by Dr. Rubi.
In this session, the presentation was given by Dr. Lt. Bushra Alvera, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University, Lucknow, Dr. Archana Singh, Assistant Professor, D.W.T. College. Dehradun and Mr. Abhishek & Mr. Melson D’Souza Assistant Professor, St. Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangaluru. Total 11 papers were presented in this session by the participants on different sub-themes.
Two technical sessions were conducted on the second day also. The third technical session was conducted through online mode and Prof. (Dr.) Usha Das, Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Rajendra University, Balangir, Odisha remained the Chairperson and discussed about various reforms and enhancement of teacher education quality in the nation while Dr. Sangeeta Rani, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut remained the Co-Chairperson and moderate the present technical session.
Total 13 papers were presented in this session by the participants on different sub-themes. In this session Dr. Bhawna Bisht, Assistant Professor NKBMG P.G. College, Chandausi, Sambhal MJP Rohilkhand University and Dr. Shrutee Kanwar, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Gautam Budh University, Noida focused on the realistic challenges of NEP 2020.
The fourth technical session was conducted through offline mode and Dr. Dori Lal, Assistant Professor, Department of TT and NFE, Jamia Millia Islamia University remained the Chairperson and delivered his lecture on challenges in implementation of recommendation of NEP-2020 for Primary Education in India specially achieved the target of minimum level of learning and numerical abilities while Dr. Shalini Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut remained the Co-Chairperson. The session was moderated by Dr. Bhuvnesh Sharma.
Total 9 papers were presented in the fourth technical session by the participants on different sub- themes. In this session Ms. Neelam Singh, Assistant Professor Noble, College of Professional Studies, Meerut, Manjulata, Research Scholar, Motherhood University Roorkee, UP, Dr. Bhuvnesh Sharma, Dr. Mumtaz Sheikh, Mrs. Reshu, Ms. Kusum and Dr. Shalini Tiwari Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Swami Vivekanand University, Meerut also presented their paper in this session.
Thus, a total of four technical sessions were conducted in the two-day national seminar and a total of 43 participants presented their papers of various sub-themes.
The seminar concluded with a Valedictory Session in which Dr. Dinesh Kumar Chahal, Professor, School of Education, Central University of Haryana graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
Dr. Vipul Yadav, Professor, Management Department, Galgotia University remained the Guest of Honour of this session. Both the guests spoke at strength of NEP-2020 and its challenges in the implementation in a true sense inclined to Indian knowledge. Dr. Vipul also focused on suggestive measures in the evaluation and examination system. Prof. (Dr.) Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya, Dean Faculty of Law, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut also remained present on this occasion and spoke on the challenges in the implementation of NEP 2020 and suggested the study of Indians Law for every stakeholders in their course-curriculum. Prof. (Dr.) Mahaveer Singh, Dean, Faculty of Science, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University spoke on the challenges in implementing NEP 2020 especially in Science streams.
Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kumar, Dean, Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut congratulated for the success of this national seminar and made it clear in his statement that for the successful implementation of NEP: 2020, it is required to work on achieve the goal of “One Nation, One Curriculum”.
Prof. (Dr.) Anoj Raj, Head, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut proposed vote of thanks towards the end. The session concluded with a presentation of Mementoes to the guests.
Dr. Vibha Laxmi, Associate Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut presented the Summary Report of the Seminar which includes the outcomes of the event. Total 370 Participants from eight states i.e. Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Odisha, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Mangaluru and Bihar had joined the national seminar.
This session was moderated by Dr. Mumtaz Sheikh, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut.
Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kumar, Dean, Faculty of Education, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University was the Chairman of this National Seminar; Prof. (Dr.) Anoj Raj, Head, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University was the Convener; Dr. Vibha Laxmi, Associate Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University was the Organizing Secretary while Dr. Mumtaz Sheikh, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, FOE, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University was the Coordinator of this seminar.