National Youth Day
Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Department of Home Science, FASS, organized an Awareness Talk on “The Power of Youth: Igniting Changes Through Innovation and Action” to inspire and motivate students to recognize their potential to make positive contributions to society through innovative thinking and proactive actions. The event was aligned with the celebration of National Youth Day 2024. Dr. Shweta Tyagi Assistant Professor, RG P.G. College, CCS University, Meerut, provided valuable insights into the role of youth in driving positive changes, emphasizing the importance of innovative thinking in the field of Home Science. Dr. Shalu Nehra Assistant Professor, Internal Expert shared her insights were tailored to the context of our department and its students. The event featured an interactive session, allowing students to actively engage with the guest speakers. This facilitated a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives on the role of youth in shaping the future. Attendees had the chance to connect with their peers who share a passion for making a difference. The networking session encouraged the formation of a community focused on collaboration and positive change. The talk successfully raised awareness among students regarding the potential impact they can have on society through innovative thinking and proactive actions. Dr. Tyagi and Dr. Nehra’s insights enriched the knowledge of students, providing them with a deeper understanding of the role of youth in the field of Home Science. The Awareness Talk on “The Power of Youth: Igniting Changes Through Innovation and Action” was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of inspiring and empowering students to be proactive contributors to positive change. The event not only provided valuable insights but also facilitated connections and collaborations among students, creating a conducive environment for future innovation and action.